When tax season approaches, don’t forget to look for potential money-save tax deductions for landlords. If you rent out property, you might be eligible for deductible expenses. Landlords can typically claim tax deductions for many things, including mortgage and interest payments, insurance premiums, maintenance and repairs, administrative costs and supplies, eviction-related fees, depreciation and losses, travel, professional services, and more.
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Disclaimer: Remember that this material is intended to provide you with helpful information and is not to be relied upon to make decisions, nor is this material intended to be or construed as tax and/or legal advice. You are encouraged to consult your tax professional or legal counsel for advice on your specific business operations and responsibilities under applicable law. Trademarks used in this material are the property of their respective owners and no affiliation or endorsement is implied.
Any game is hard to win if you don’t know the rules. Being a landlord is no different. Often, juggling tenant needs, paying insurance premiums and mortgages on time, and squaring up at tax season can feel like a chess game where the pieces keep changing.
While the objective is a successful rental business, that’s not always possible––especially these days. According to property company Rich Commercial Realty, landlord operating expenses have continued to rise across the board of rental services, including a 12% increase in the cost of electricity from 2021 to 2022. Given these creeping costs, it’s crucial to do everything you can to help maximize profits and come out triumphant.
One way to keep more of what you earn is to minimize expenses. Most landlords already understand the cost-saving importance of knowing how to set the right rental rate and helping reduce the risk of evictions with thorough tenant background checks through a quality service like SmartMove®.
However, fewer landlords are aware of the range of tax breaks available to property owners and managers—opportunities that could help you save big. With many tenants and landlords recovering after a financially tumultuous few years, it's more important than ever to help protect your investment.
Below, you’ll find 15 potential deductions that could help you during tax season. While some of these tax breaks apply to all homeowners, many are unique to rental properties. Make sure to check with your tax professional or CPA to determine whether any specific tax deduction applies to you and make the most out of your return.
As you work on this year’s tax returns, keep the following deductions in mind:

1. Long Distance Travel
If you have to travel long distances to check on your property, legal site NOLO reports you may be able to deduct the cost of your travel expenses. Examples of deductible expenses include things like:
- Car mileage
- Airfare
- Hotels
- Other trip costs
2. Mortgage Interest
If you didn’t purchase your rental property outright, you probably have a mortgage. If you do, you’re paying interest to a bank. According to SmartAsset, landlords can deduct their mortgage interest as a rental expense.
This well-known rental property tax deduction applies to all homeowners. Still, it’s especially important for landlords to use because it’s usually the biggest deduction you can claim.
Pro Tip:
Stay organized. Whether it’s mortgage paperwork or proof for tax deductions, it’s essential to keep tidy records. Learn what landlord documents you should keep.
3. Personal Property Taxes
You may be required by your local government to pay personal property taxes on equipment and furniture used for business purposes, based on the value of the property. Most landlords are aware that they can depreciate their personal property, but did you know that you can depreciate personal items used in and for your rental business at a faster rate?
All Property Management explains that with the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System, you may save more money by fully depreciating personal property inside the rental unit over a shorter period.
For example:
- Appliances, carpeting, and furniture can be depreciated over a five-year period.
- Other items, like fences and driveways can be depreciated at a 15-year rate.
You can check to see which asset class your property falls into on the IRS website.

4. Repairs
The IRS splits repairs into two types:
- Improvements to the property (which increase the value) or
- Returning things to their original condition (maintenance)
The Balance Money notes that while improvements must be capitalized and deductions taken as depreciation over time, repairs and maintenance costs can be expensed in a single year.
So, how do you know if what you’re doing is classified as a repair or an improvement? You can use the BAR acronym.
According to the IRS, an improvement “results in a betterment to your property, restores your property, or adapts your property to a new or different use.” Here is how the classify each term:
- Betterment. Does the change fix a defect in the property that existed before you bought it Does it physically enlarge or enhance the property in any way
- Adaptation. Are you going to use the property in a new or different way than you originally intended when you purchased the property
- Restoration. Does the change rebuild the property to a like-new condition Have you already taken a loss for the damage
If you can answer yes to the above questions or your repair falls into any of these categories, it could likely be considered an improvement by the IRS, which needs to be depreciated.
Pro Tip:
The cost of normal wear and tear typically cannot be passed onto your tenants. Learn more about normal wear and tear when it comes to rentals.
5. Local Travel
Many landlords like to routinely check in on their tenants and property. You might also need to handle maintenance, repairs, or improvements on-site. According to NOLO, if you use your personal vehicle to make the trip, you may be able to deduct the cost of travel using one of two different methods:
- Actual expenses or
- IRS standard mileage rate. says there’s a caveat if you’re using the IRS standard method. In order to qualify, a landlord must use this method during the first year that the vehicle was used in rental business activity. The actual expense method allows you to deduct the actual vehicle expenses, as well as depreciation.
According to the IRS, the local travel deduction can include gas, oil, lease payments, licenses and fees, repairs, tolls, and parking. Calculate your deduction both ways to see which method benefits you most.
6. Legal Fees for an Eviction
Often a landlord's worst nightmare, eviction proceedings are extremely stressful and can bankrupt small rental businesses. Thankfully, according to money site SmartAsset, you may usually deduct court fees and attorney costs.
However, even if some of those expenses can be deducted, such a financial hit could decimate your profits. Given that total eviction-related expenses can cost between $1,000 and more than $5,000 depending on a number of factors according SmartAsset how would your business fair with such hefty fees?
In addition to monetary cost, there is also the intense worry of an ongoing legal battle and the pressure of not knowing what could come next. While it’s good to save money through claiming potential landlord tax deductions, it’s better to prevent evictions in the first place by screening your tenants before they're allowed to move in.
Bolster your tenant screening process fast by including:
- Criminal background checks
- Tenant credit reports, including a ResidentScore
- Eviction history reports
Getting an in-depth look at a rental applicant’s background and track record can help you make more informed, timely screening decisions.
Pro Tip:
Help verify your potential tenant actually makes what they claim on the rental application with Income Insights. You can learn right away if the numbers on the rental application add up or if you should ask for additional financial verification.

7. Home Office
If you use a dedicated space in your home to conduct rental business, it may be a deductible expense–even if it’s not a whole room. However, according to Pathway CPA Group, there are certain criteria your home office must meet in order to deduct the expense, including:
- Your property management activities must qualify as a “trade or business”
- The deductible space must be an area used regularly and exclusively for rental activity
The Balance also reminds you that any equipment must also be used exclusively for business. For instance, your work computer shouldn’t be used to play games or for other personal reasons.
There are several ways you can calculate the business portion of your house as an expense to help find the largest deduction. According to the Balance article linked above, you can:
- Calculate your space’s square footage divided by the square footage of your entire house. If all the rooms in your house are roughly the same size, divide the number of rooms your business space encompassed by the total number of rooms in the house.
- Use a prescribed rate multiplied by the allowable square footage used in the home. As of writing, the prescribed rate is $5 per square foot with a maximum of 300 square feet, according to the IRS.
Note that you can deduct a portion of your home repairs if they partially affect your office and the full price of the repair if it only affects your office. However, you cannot use these deductions if you have an outside office as well, or if you’re renting the space to your employer.
Pro Tip:
Home offices aren’t the only thing you can do with a spare room. Learn about renting out an extra room in your home for even more potential income.
8. Wages for Employees and Independent Contractors
According to real estate site Belong Home, if you hire a property manager or grounds maintenance worker, you can generally deduct their wages as a rental business expense. This also holds true for independent contractors like carpenters or electricians.
According to Nolo, one of the benefits of hiring independent contractors is that you don’t have to withhold federal taxes out of their paycheck or pay one-half of the worker’s Social Security and Medicare taxes. However, you do need to file IRS Form 1099-MISC if you pay them over $600 during the year.
And don’t forget employee meals and entertainment expenses. Turbo Tax reminds landlords that events like holiday parties or summer outings for your staff are 100% deductible. If you incur an expense while doing business with a potential client or business associate, you can deduct 50% of the total.
9. Casualty Losses
If anything happens to your property due to an unexpected event like a natural disaster or fire, you can likely claim a total or partial property loss on your tax return. However, as NOLO points out, you can only claim losses to the extent that they aren’t covered by insurance.
If you do have insurance, you must reduce the amount of your claimed casualty loss by any insurance recovery you receive (or expect to receive, if you haven’t been paid yet). Losses that are fully covered by insurance are not deductible.

10. Depreciation
According to the IRS, depreciation is a deduction you can take for property and items that you own for over one year. The cost of qualifying items are deducted in small amounts over a set number of years. According to Investopedia, rental buildings are typically depreciated over 27.5 years. This means that you can deduct about 1/27 of your rental property annually.
According to financial adviser site Realized, while depreciation is technically voluntary, most property owners would be foolish not to do it. Depreciation claims don’t just possibly save you money, but they might also help keep you out of legal hot water.
Also, if you sell the property for more than the depreciated value, the IRS may charge you a 25% recapture tax, whether or not you actually claimed depreciation. It makes more sense to claim the depreciation than to eventually pay taxes on a benefit you never received.
11. Insurance
According to Steadily, the premiums you pay for almost any insurance on your rental are deductible. This includes fire, theft, and flood insurance for your rental property, plus landlord liability insurance. If you have employees, you can also deduct the cost of their health and workers' compensation insurance.
Pro Tip:
Help protect your property even further by requesting tenants to have renter’s insurance. Learn why and how in the article.
12. Capital Expenses
Nolo offers some helpful information for understanding how landlords can deduct long-term assets. In terms of tax rules, there are two different types of expenses that are incurred as a rental property business: current and capital.
- Capital expenses are defined as purchases that are expected to last more than one year and generate revenue in the future. This might include equipment, land, or vehicles, but keep in mind these are not the only capital expenses. Such purchases are treated as investments by the IRS and must be deducted (or capitalized) over a number of years.
- Current expenses are the day-to-day operational expenses that keep your business running, such as rent and utilities. You can deduct 100% of current expenses from your gross rental income in the year they are incurred.

13. Professional Services
In addition to the legal services mentioned above, other professional assistance can be deducted, as well. Consulting a tax professional is not only advisable, but may also a deductible expense. According to Steward Ingram & Cooper PLLC, small business owners like landlords can typically deduct expenses for services like attorneys and accountants, as long as the reason you are hiring them is related to the rental business.
Since IRS regulations are regularly updated or changed, hiring an accountant to file your taxes can keep you from overlooking any deductions available to you. If you do decide to handle your taxes yourself, the same deduction may be applicable if you use tax preparation software.
14. Operating Expenses
Many items that you purchase for your rental property throughout the year can be classified as operating expenses and deducted in the year during which you purchase them. The IRS website defines these expenses as “the ordinary and necessary expenses for managing, conserving and maintaining your rental property.” Appropriate expenses that are generally accepted as necessary for a rental business might include:
- Advertising
- Maintenance
- Utilities
- Insurance
15. Maintenance
According to the IRS, money spent on ongoing maintenance is usually tax deductible. You might be tempted to put maintenance in the repairs category, but the ongoing upkeep of your property doesn’t necessitate something being broken. For example, landscaping and pool cleaning is done on a regular basis, even when there are no major issues.
You can also generally deduct any tools needed for cleaning or upkeep, such as lawnmowers, weed eaters, or paint sprayers. In some cases, it may be necessary to depreciate these tools, so check with a tax professional if you have any doubts. The same holds true for cleaning supplies and janitorial items. According to H&R Block, you can even deduct Homeowner Association fees as a rental expense in most cases.
Help Lower Costs with Strategic Deductions and SmartMove Tenant Background Checks
As a landlord, the complex rules of rental property tax deduction can often work in your favor. However, all your strategic hard work at tax time is meaningless if you sacrifice your profits to debilitating eviction proceedings. Help even the odds with tenant screening through SmartMove.
Created for independent landlords with only occasional screening needs, SmartMove provides fast, online tenant background checks can help you save money by helping you make more confident leasing decisions. And, according to the National Association of Realtors, the fee that you pay for screening might be tax deductible.
While working with finances, details always matter. One of the most important tenant screening tasks a landlord should complete is ensuring applicants make enough income to afford the rent.
An Income Insights report allows you to decide which applicant needs additional income verification by comparing your rental applicant’s self-reported income to actual financial data provided by TransUnion—a major credit agency. Meanwhile, a tenant credit check helps you review your rental applicant’s financial track record and history of paying debts.
When it comes to your livelihood, you need to do your research and use information that can help you make informed choices. With every SmartMove screening package, you even get a proprietary tenant credit score, ResidentScore. This sophisticated analysis helps predict future evictions risks 15% better than a general credit score alone. This is a clear advantage that can give you a leg up when evaluating applicants.
In the game of rental property management, don’t let yourself get blocked into a corner. Increase your chance of success with tenant screening through SmartMove.
Know your applicant.
Additional Disclosure:
The information posted to this blog was accurate at the time it was initially published. We do not continue to guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. The information contained in the TransUnion Rental Screening Services, Inc. blog is provided for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. You should consult your own attorney or financial adviser regarding your particular situation. For complete details of any product mentioned, visit This site is governed by the TransUnion Rental Screening Privacy Policy Privacy Notice located at TransUnion Rental Screening Solutions, Inc. Privacy Notice | TransUnion.